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APRIL - MAY 2006

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
by Dale Wasserman, based on the novel by Ken Kesey

McMurphy brings a new game to the ward. At the table L to R: Cheswick (Mark Szabo), Harding (Michael Rush), McMurphy (Tom Wayland), Billy Bibbit (Anthony Rubolotta), Martini (Nino Spallacci); in the back ground: Chief Bomden (Michael Daly) and Ruckly (John Sciorra)

Nurse Rached breaks up the party. L to R: Nurse Ratched (Janet Sales), Billy Bibbit (Anthony Rubolotta), Dr Spivy (Sheldon Stone), Harding (Michael Rush), Scanlon (Norm Keller), Martini (Nino Spallacci) and Aide Warren (Dennis Conaway)

Washington secures Bromden. L to R: Cheswick (Mark Szabo), Aide Waashington (Hakim Callendar), Chief Bomden (Michael Daly), Candy (Tara Fritsch), the Technician (John Aro)

The party is over, Turkle and Sandy exit via the window. L to R: Ruckly (John Sciorra), Aide Turkle (Wayne Smith), Sandy (Alexandra Archetti) and McMurphy (Tom Wayland)

Nurse Rached informs McMurphy that one can't run around the ward in a towel. Nurse Ratched (Janet Sales) and McMurphy (Tom Wayland)

Performance Dates

April 28, 29, 30, May 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13

Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8pm
Sunday - 3pm

Tickets      Cast & Crew