MAY 2009
by Steve Martin
Directed by Janet Sales
Assistant Director - Michael Daly
Stage Manager - Samantha Silver
A guy walks into a bar. Okay, so it’s Einstein. A young Einstein, before his big Theory. He meets a young Picasso, before his famous Rose Period. In Steve Martin’s long-running comedy, these two geniuses and a host of other characters, including… Elvis Presley?… ask the question: which will have the biggest impact on humanity—Art, Science, or Pop Culture? If it sounds a little wild and crazy, that's because it is, as Martin sprinkles a little philosophy between jokes that fly fast and furious. See for yourself why this comedy has broken attendance records Off-Broadway and around the country
Claudia Budris as Germaine
John Fraissinet as Schmendiman
Dickson Lane as Sagot
John Rathgeb as Einstein
Jon Russo as Freddy
Liz Samuel as Suzanne/The Countess/Female Admirer
Elliot Schulz as Singer
Peter Shaughnessy as Picasso
Lee Wittenberg as Gaston
Performance Dates
May 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8pm
Sunday - 3pm
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