dramatized by Hamilton Deane & John L. Balderston from Bram Stoker's world-famous novel
Directed by Bob Caruso
Stage Manager - Samantha Silver
This classic play, the one from which all subsequent theatrical and movie versions of the novel derive, is set in 1927 in a sanatorium outside London. Lucy Seward, the daughter of the director of the sanatorium has come down with the same strange anemia that killed her friend Mina. Her father has sent for his friend Dr. Van Helsing, a specialist in exotic diseases, to consult on the case. Meanwhile, the mysterious new owner of ruined Carfax Abbey, Count Dracula, has taken a strong interest in Lucy's well-being. Will the truth be discovered in time to save Lucy's life? This classic tale of horror and vampires is perfect for the Halloween season.
Cait Fischer as Maid
Robbie Amodeo as John Harker
Christpher Mayer as Dr. Seward
Frank Guerrasio as Abraham Van Helsing
Mark Liebert as Renfield
Kenny Douglass as Attendant
Shaina Herman as Lucy Seward
Michael Daly as Dracula
Performance Dates
Oct. 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, Nov. 1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8pm
Sunday - 3pm
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