a comedy by Matthew Barber
Lady Caroline Bramble (Sarah Pharaon) must stand aside as Frederick (Robert Barwick) and Rose (Jacqueline Schreiber) renew their passion |
An overjoyed Lottie (Rachel Bitney) runs to her husband Mellersh (Chris Mayer) knocking the teacup from his hand - luckily, Mr. Wilding (Travis Garcia) is on hand to catch it |
Mr. Wilding (Travis Garcia) the owner of the Italian Castle serves tea to some of the ladies who have 'rented it' for the month of April |
Lady Caroline (Sarah Pharoan in red) receives some advice from the older and wiser Mrs. Graves (Sandy Robertson) as the housekeeper Costanza (Carly Heller) makes faces behind her back |
March 28, 29, 30, April 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8pm
Sunday - 3pm
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