a comedy by Abe Burrows
Directed by Amy Fox
Stage Manager Judi Liebert
Start with a middle-aged, successful dentist who’s a confirmed bachelor, add his young, free-spirited girlfriend and sprinkle it with a few lies about a wife and family. Throw in the dentist’s guilt, his long-suffering spinster nurse, a beatnik neighbor, a few wacky characters and you get Cactus Flower. This heartwarming comedy takes you on a journey filled with lust, laughter, lies and love.
Robert Barwick as Dr. Julian Winston
Michael Daly as Customer/Waiter/Music Lover
Renee Francischetti as Toni Simmons
Mitch Frank as Señor Arturo Sanchez
Travis Garcia as Igor Sullivan
Jean Kuras as Mrs. Dixon Durant
Mark Liebert as Harvey Greenfield
Danielle Pelletier as Botticelli's Springtime
Janet Sales as Stephanie Dickenson
Performance Dates
Jan. 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8pm
Sunday - 3pm
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